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来源: | 作者:妈咪家 | 发布时间: 1491天前 | 920 次浏览 | 分享到:

课程设计以动静接合,主张用科学的方式来释放动能与情绪,调整身体内在安稳度,帮助儿童搭建身体动与静的平衡模式,进而改善儿童的肌力、平衡、专注、情绪;提高儿童学习能力、计划运作能力、集体协作能力。利用小海狮的慢爬,刺激儿童脑干神经,感受慢节奏的舒服与放松。与水的接触, 可帮助儿童透过皮肤进行身体排毒。呼吸吐纳小泡泡,刺激儿童副交感神经,还原优质的α脑电波。水中快跑,产生关节运动,为儿童带来大呼吸,从而增强儿童肌肉的力量与耐力。水中排球赛,让儿童释放情绪,在面对人生挑战时,具备勇气与能力,增强儿童团体意识与协作能力。

WSIP water perception game course is one of the school's characteristic sports courses, which is the children's functional sports course in water. The teaching content includes "proprioception", "balance and concentration", "breath and rhythm". The energy intake of children in special exercise environment is 12 times higher than that of normal exercise, and the energy consumption is 4 times higher than that of normal exercise.

The curriculum design combines movement and stillness, advocates releasing kinetic energy and emotion in a scientific way, adjusting the internal stability of the body, helping children build a balance mode of body movement and static, so as to improve children's muscle strength, balance, concentration and emotion, and improve children's learning ability, planning operation ability and collective cooperation ability. Using the slow climbing of sea lion, stimulate the brain stem nerve of children, and feel the comfort and relaxation of slow rhythm. Contact with water can help children detoxify through the skin. Breathing and breathing small bubbles can stimulate the parasympathetic nerve of children and restore high-quality alpha brain waves. Running fast in the water can produce joint movement and bring great breathing for children, so as to enhance children's muscle strength and endurance. The water volleyball match, let the children release the emotion, when facing the life challenge, has the courage and the ability, enhances the children group consciousness and the cooperation ability.