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来源: | 作者:妈咪家 | 发布时间: 1491天前 | 715 次浏览 | 分享到:
幼儿园丰富多彩的活动环境,让幼儿体验到童年生活的快乐,其中足球运动是必不可缺的一种课程,作为一种特殊的体育活动形式 ,足球对幼儿的身心发展发挥着不可估量的作用。一方面足球运动能锻炼幼儿的身体协调能力,促进幼儿身体 素质的提升:另一方面足球运动能有效提升幼儿的团队合作精神,培养孩子坚韧的意志和积极向上的精神 ,促进幼儿良好心理素质的提高。


The colorful activity environment of kindergarten makes children experience the happiness of childhood life. Football is an indispensable course. As a special form of sports activities, football plays an immeasurable role in children's physical and mental development. On the one hand, football can exercise children's physical coordination ability and promote the improvement of children's physical quality; on the other hand, football can effectively improve children's team spirit, cultivate their strong will and positive spirit, and promote their good psychological quality.

Through the game teaching method, Mammy's bilingual children's school takes physical training, football skills, football games, football culture (football stars, football star stories, basic rules of football, football matches, etc.) as the course contents, so that children can acquire basic football skills (such as dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.), and enhance their physical quality (including strength, endurance, speed and sensitivity) To cultivate good mood, strong quality, positive attitude, cheerful personality, and promote the healthy development of children's body and mind.