The colorful activity environment of kindergarten makes children experience the happiness of childhood life. Football is an indispensable course. As a special form of sports activities, football plays an immeasurable role in children's physical and mental development. On the one hand, football can exercise children's physical coordination ability and promote the improvement of children's physical quality; on the other hand, football can effectively improve children's team spirit, cultivate their strong will and positive spirit, and promote their good psychological quality.

Through the game teaching method, Mammy's bilingual children's school takes physical training, football skills, football games, football culture (football stars, football star stories, basic rules of football, football matches, etc.) as the course contents, so that children can acquire basic football skills (such as dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.), and enhance their physical quality (including strength, endurance, speed and sensitivity) To cultivate good mood, strong quality, positive attitude, cheerful personality, and promote the healthy development of children's body and mind.
Children's Gymnastics
Early childhood is in the fastest growing period. Children's gymnastics is a sports project integrating sports, dance and music. It is comprehensive and artistic, and has rich aesthetic content. The body language accompanied by music can make the body shape more symmetrical and harmonious, the body posture more vigorous and beautiful, and the action is rigid and flexible. The children's gymnastics course set up by mummy's bilingual children's school takes the active and cheerful Chinese and English nursery rhymes as the course material, and creates movements suitable for children's physical development according to different age stages (flexibility, coordination, strength, balance, agility, bravery and other physical movement abilities).

Through rhythm and gymnastics teaching, children can interact with the classroom, learn to cooperate with classmates, and enhance their team spirit and communication ability. The combination of Chinese and English sentences and body movements can not only practice body coordination, but also expand my language experience.


幼儿园丰富多彩的活动环境,让幼儿体验到童年生活的快乐,其中足球运动是必不可缺的一种课程,作为一种特殊的体育活动形式 ,足球对幼儿的身心发展发挥着不可估量的作用。一方面足球运动能锻炼幼儿的身体协调能力,促进幼儿身体 素质的提升:另一方面足球运动能有效提升幼儿的团队合作精神,培养孩子坚韧的意志和积极向上的精神 ,促进幼儿良好心理素质的提高。


幼儿期正处在成长发育最快的时期。幼儿体操是一项融体育、舞蹈、音乐为一体的运动项目,其综合性、艺术性很强,具有丰富的美学内容,通过音乐伴奏下的肢体语言展现出来,可使人体外型更加匀称和谐,体态更加刚健、优美,动作刚柔相济。妈咪家双语幼儿学校设置的幼儿体操课程,以积极欢快的中英文儿歌为课程素材 ,根据幼儿不同的年龄阶段,创编适合幼儿身体发展的动作(柔韧、协调、力量、平衡、灵敏、勇敢等身体动作能力)。
Basketball is the carrier of children's sports courses, teaching to play, equipment, music based, enhance children's physical fitness, promote children's physical and mental health. Children's basketball covers walking, running, jumping, throwing and other forms of physical movement, which can comprehensively, effectively and comprehensively promote the comprehensive development of children's physical quality, maintain and improve children's life vitality, and lay a solid physical foundation for all activities of children.

Through the basketball environment, physical training, basketball skills, basketball games, basketball culture (basketball stars, basketball star stories, basketball basic rules, basketball game etiquette, basketball game watching, referee body language, etc.), basketball exercises and other courses. Let children learn basic basketball skills (dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.); enhance physical fitness (including strength, endurance, speed, sensitivity, flexibility, balance and coordination ability), improve the ability to resist diseases; cultivate good emotions, strong quality, positive attitude, cheerful personality, and promote the healthy development of children's body and mind.
——   Sports Department   ——

To achieve the future elite, we should start from integration
BbsI brain perception game course is an excellent school-based characteristic course of mummy family. It is based on children's physical and mental development, brain neuroscience and sensory integration theory. The curriculum is designed with standardized teaching process, systematic difficulty degree design, and adjusting teaching according to each child's temperament. More importantly, it has curriculum evaluation indicators, which can timely understand the progress of children's learning and give them the most appropriate and necessary assistance.
Under the guidance of professional teachers with deep skills, the teaching scene is integrated into the story situation and role play in the form of playing games, which highly arouses the children's internal driving force, so that the children can fully participate in the sensory activities of integrating brain and body in a natural and pleasant state. In addition, we attach great importance to children's emotional behavior response and sustained concentration. How to stabilize children's emotions and maintain children's concentration is a key indicator of professional sentiment teachers, and also the focus of deepening curriculum effectiveness.
Key effects of sensory integration
The function of brain sensory integration can stimulate the synaptic connection of neurons in children's brain, activate the learning potential of the brain, and make children's life and learning more efficient! Good sensory integration is mainly to establish children's sensory pathway, promote the development of sensory movement and body image, and form a perceptual motor system.
Therefore, bbsI brain perception game course is an experiential sensory journey. By creating a positive learning atmosphere, children can play skillfully and play with great ability. Finally, they can create children's successful experience, give full play to their talents and become the elite pillars of the country in the future.

WSIP water perception game course


课程设计以动静接合,主张用科学的方式来释放动能与情绪,调整身体内在安稳度,帮助儿童搭建身体动与静的平衡模式,进而改善儿童的肌力、平衡、专注、情绪;提高儿童学习能力、计划运作能力、集体协作能力。利用小海狮的慢爬,刺激儿童脑干神经,感受慢节奏的舒服与放松。与水的接触, 可帮助儿童透过皮肤进行身体排毒。呼吸吐纳小泡泡,刺激儿童副交感神经,还原优质的α脑电波。水中快跑,产生关节运动,为儿童带来大呼吸,从而增强儿童肌肉的力量与耐力。水中排球赛,让儿童释放情绪,在面对人生挑战时,具备勇气与能力,增强儿童团体意识与协作能力。

WSIP water perception game course is one of the school's characteristic sports courses, which is the children's functional sports course in water. The teaching content includes "proprioception", "balance and concentration", "breath and rhythm". The energy intake of children in special exercise environment is 12 times higher than that of normal exercise, and the energy consumption is 4 times higher than that of normal exercise.

The curriculum design combines movement and stillness, advocates releasing kinetic energy and emotion in a scientific way, adjusting the internal stability of the body, helping children build a balance mode of body movement and static, so as to improve children's muscle strength, balance, concentration and emotion, and improve children's learning ability, planning operation ability and collective cooperation ability. Using the slow climbing of sea lion, stimulate the brain stem nerve of children, and feel the comfort and relaxation of slow rhythm. Contact with water can help children detoxify through the skin. Breathing and breathing small bubbles can stimulate the parasympathetic nerve of children and restore high-quality alpha brain waves. Running fast in the water can produce joint movement and bring great breathing for children, so as to enhance children's muscle strength and endurance. The water volleyball match, let the children release the emotion, when facing the life challenge, has the courage and the ability, enhances the children group consciousness and the cooperation ability.
通过篮球环境、体能训练、篮球技能、篮球游戏、篮球文化(篮球明星、篮球明星故事、篮球基本规则、篮球比赛礼仪、篮球比赛观赏、裁判身体语言等)、篮球操等课程内容。让幼儿习得基本的篮球技能(运球、传球、投篮等);增强身体素质(包含力量、耐力、速度、灵敏性、柔韧性、平衡 能力和协调能力等),提高抵抗疾病的能力;培养良好的情绪、坚强的品质、积极的态度、开朗的性格、促进幼儿身心健康发展。